Wednesday, March 12, 2008




The mouse translates its movements over a flat surface into digital information, it is a point and touch input device. In a traditional mouse the ball underneath the mouse rotates as the mouse is moved by the user,sensors pick up these movements. More modern mouse uses a beam of light rather than a ball.

The mouse controls the cursor on screen, they have either one, two or even three buttons which are used to make selections on the screen. Besides using the mouse to navigate the cursor, there are also different types of point and touch input device which can be used, such as the touch sensitive pad which are used on laptops and touch sensitive screen devices such as plamtop and tablets(laptop).


Scanners examine methodically or scan the source material that is laid on the scanner bed, this set of information that is scanned by the device will be sent to the computer as accessible data. The data can then be manipulated in someway before printing. A scanner is an input device. There are also hand-held scanners which are moved across the source material being scanned, a barcode reader for example scans barcodes on products this allows the computer system to keep stock levels up to date, the barcode reader detects light reflected by the dark and light lines in the barcode.

Scanners are used to convert pictures, text and other information into computerized data. Hand-held scanners such as the barcode reader are used in supermarkets where products are usually labelled with barcodes.


Speakers are output devices, it produces audible output.

Speakers produce audible output which is needed when watching movies via pc or listening to music.

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